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I was worried students wouldn't buy into it. I hadn't heard of Etextiles before. . . I hadn't thought about how it works. How energy flows through the circuit, how it's used throughout, that all is part of the curriculum that I would teach -- that's how I tie it in." |
I think it's an awesome opportunity for students to be exposed to some diversity and different ways of thinking and confronting issues and problems surrounding immigration migration and forced relocation.” |
Before, I was like 'I don't know how to teach them this,' so we did a lot more book work. As I did it, I noticed that the half of the class that got this ESTITCH stuff, that they excelled! Everyone was running to class, willing to do their homework -- they just loved it -- telling all their friends..." |
I was having to go through that investigative process and that deduction of figuring out where my problems are, just like my students do.” |
We attract a lot of students to science that don't normally see themselves as belonging in Science and Computing." |
It's hard, but it's exciting, and it's things that the kids are going to have to know with jobs that are coming out for them.” |
CHAOS Learning Lab
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